8 November 2011

August 22, 2011. Postcard diary sent by Keiko


August 22, 2011
"It's getting darker faster these days. I didn't notice summer's ending and for some reason I'm feeling so sad to let it go. For the first time in my life I'm not ready for fall."

4 November 2011

April 7, 2011. Karaoke response from Keiko

As a response to Myriam's postcard diary of April 7, 2011

 Keiko sings:

"Kasa ga Nai"
by Inoue Yosui

At karaoke-kan in Shinjunku. August 2011

Inoue Yosui - Kasa ga Nai
" Myriam's diary in which she had to wash her hair in the kitchen sink made me think about everyday life as a chain of random odd things. I thought of the song "Kasa ga Nai (literary translates no umbrella)" by Inoue Yosui, for the obvious reference to water, and the way he suddenly changes one subject to another, from Japan's societal issues to him not having an umbrella and wanting to go see his lover. "
Haruka Ideue

1 November 2011

April 7, 2011. Postcard Diary from Myriam


April 7, 2011
"I had to wash my hair in the kitchen washbassin this morning. It reminded me when I was young, my dad use to wash my hair in the wash bassin and all the water was running down my ears."